Helping Employees Pay for Vital, Everyday Expenses

A grocery store employee with curly hair wearing a blue apron speaks to a customer who is reaching for an item on a shelf.

Earned wage access (EWA) — also known as on-demand pay — gives employees access to their earned pay before payday. 

EWA is a vital financial wellness tool that also allows employees to track, spend or save their pay as they earn it.  

EWA has quickly proven to be a game-changer for employees as they look to build their financial wellness, allowing them to live their lives to the fullest. 

EWA Helps Employees Pay for What Matters Most 

EWA gives employees better control over their pay and helps them pay for everyday expenses. According to a Mercator Advisory Group survey, users turn to EWA for:1  

  • Food and groceries: 78% 
  • Utilities: 64%
  • Transportation and car insurance: 54%
A bar chart displaying percentages of priority expenses: Food and groceries at 78%, utility bills at 64%, and transportation and car insurance at 54%.

A Path to Financial Wellness With DailyPay 

Financial wellness benefits give employees better access to their earnings and increase pay transparency, empowering them to make informed decisions.2  

  • 69% of DailyPay users say that DailyPay helps them be more diligent about their spending.  
  • 72% of DailyPay users say that DailyPay helps them feel more confident in managing their finances.
Two side-by-side red pie charts on a grey background. Left: 69% of DailyPay users say it helps with spending diligence. Right: 72% of DailyPay users feel more confident in managing finances.

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